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Roof Garden

With Bomun Lake and the forest as the backdrop,
our Terrace Garden is the perfect place to host a romantic outdoor wedding.

  1. Location
    Hotel outdoors
  2. Capacity
    150~300 persons
  3. Inquiries
    Inquiries icon054-779-7303

Make a reservation for an online wedding consultation

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Wedding information

Expected number of guestsRequired persons
Desired wedding dateRequired
Time of wedding



Agree to the collection and use of personal information (required)

The company processes your personal information with regard to booking an online consultation.
Required information: Name, e-mail, phone number, expected date and number of attendees for the wedding
Purpose of collection/use: Confirmation of identity and identification of individuals, handling of complaints, such as customer complaints and the handling of legal disputes
Period of retention and use: 1 year from the date on which the inquiry is submitted unless there is a reason to store the information for a longer period of time as required by law

You may refuse to have your personal information collected and used, in which case you will be restricted from booking an online consultation.

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